Research scholars of oxford jesus cross weight
Research scholars of oxford jesus cross weight

Why Believe? engages some of the best contemporary arguments against belief, presenting compelling evidence for the truth of Christianity and calling readers to entrust their lives to Christ. It’s outstandingly different in quality and quantity.” 2 Jewish scholar Pinchas Lapide even states, “I accept the resurrection of Easter Sunday not as an invention of the community of disciples, but as a historical event.” 3 the resurrection is a plausible explanation.” 1 Similarly, renowned atheist-turned-deist philosopher Antony Flew affirms that “the evidence for the resurrection is better than for claimed miracles in any other religion. Although he thinks that such arguments are insufficient, he agrees that “for theists. For instance, skeptic Jeffery Lowder, a cofounder of Internet Infidels, writes that “strong historical arguments” can be made for the resurrection. In fact, I would argue that even from a purely secular standpoint, the evidence for the resurrection of Jesus is quite strong.

research scholars of oxford jesus cross weight

The resurrection was God’s confirmation that Jesus was who he claimed to be, and it is God’s assurance to Christians that they have been forgiven.īecause of its theological significance, many people assume that the resurrection is merely an article of religious faith, not an event for which there could be any historical evidence. The Bible insists that while we were still far from God, ignoring him, rejecting him, and rebelling against him, God drew near to us in Christ to bear our sin, to take our punishment, and to die on the cross in our place.

research scholars of oxford jesus cross weight

While most religions teach that we are saved on the basis of the good things we do, Christianity teaches that we are saved on the basis of what Jesus did for us. The historicity of the resurrection is central to Christian theology because Jesus’s death and resurrection are both tied to our salvation. For two thousand years, Christians have insisted that Jesus rose physically from the dead on the Sunday after his crucifixion.

Research scholars of oxford jesus cross weight