Social empires facebook
Social empires facebook

social empires facebook

As users moved on to newer networks with the passage of time and preferences, they became ghost towns. Before Facebook and Twitter, other social networks “walked the earth" – Six Degrees, Hi5, Orkut, MySpace, Google+. Thus, networks grow exponentially, but when new users stop coming in, they stagnate and then decline. They grow and thrive on network effects, governed by Metcalfe’s Law that the value of a communications network is proportional to the square of the number of connected users of the system. One, the injuries of time and nature: The dark secret of social networks is that they can be great, money printing machines as long as they are cool, and as long as all your cool friends are there. Govt sees GDP growth lower than the latest RBI forecast Kamath hires old comrade to power JioFin juggernaut SEBI alerts RBI about NBFCs evergreening loans

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The domestic quarrels of the Romans." These four, I believe, can well be applied to the decline of the social network twins. The hostile attacks of the Barbarians and Christians. “After a diligent inquiry", he wrote, “I can discern four principal causes of the ruin of Rome: I.

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“The story of its ruin is simple and obvious", wrote Edward Gibbon writing of another empire, “and, instead of inquiring why the Roman empire was destroyed, we should rather be surprised that it had subsisted so long." Gibbon wrote a six-volume treatise on the decline and fall of the Roman Empire, but what his insights on its decay can well be applied to the Social Network empires of Twitter and Facebook. Facebook, and its mother company, seems to be inching towards terminal decline – stock down 70%, user growth stagnant, and the youngsters, on whom the networks feed on, deserting the platform. The famous lettuce who won against Liz Truss has been put on show again, this time against the blue Twitter bird. Is it the end of the Social Network Empire? Twitter is in disarray, with advertisers fleeing the network and users constantly refreshing their feeds to check if it still exists.

Social empires facebook